Saturday, April 4, 2009

unit 3 exploration 1

In my research I found all I needed on how international students benefit the country they live in and the one they go to. What I left out was the possible negatives of going to a new countries. This argumentative research paper needs to breath as much of positiveness as negativeness to prove I’m not bias. So I will learn more there.
A few questions I came to ask were:
1.Are countries more into spreading their culture to other countries or more into diversity? I have found here that both are equal. In many different eras yes there might have been a time where they just wanted to show off their culture but for now they’re more into diversity. Perhaps it’s only due to the fact that laws require them to have lots of diversity in college.
What interests me is that I find in personal life that our country only cares about showing off how great we are. I remember one day when Bush was president he went to Russia and told them to copy our ideals. Russia shut him up by telling him we have issues ourselves.
2.Do international students miss their families and native cultures when they travel to other countries? I’ve mostly found a no as the answer to this question. Many Asians feel it is appropriate for them to leave their families and explore a new life. Others just feel it’s necessary for them to learn survival.
What interests me is that I would not miss my family but I would continue to think about them. What’s funny is that I always forget what they look like when I travel away from them.
3.Most of the information I found is on engineering. Is that the only field they are interested in? No. In one source I found that most are into seismology as well. After listening to a brief conversation in the campus id office I found several came just to Boise State to learn more on respiratory care.
What interests me is how devoted they are to one topic that they would travel to another country to learn it. They are leaving not only their family but cultures they’ve grown up in.

All of these questions can really only be answered by interviews and observations. As you can see by my responses these questions came from observation.

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